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1 year ago
Chew her tits up, take an hour or two, inject em with anesthetic so she can't feel their utter destruction.
1 year ago
She is a confirmed sex addict, and has other mental issues. Which have gotten worse since the rape. Her marriage has been in trouble also since the Egypt incident, her husband couldn't understand why she chose not to fight her attackers but allowed it to happen, in her own words, "I soon realized that it was pointless to struggle and resign myself to the possibility I was going to die" . He believed her sex addiction took over and even told her that he believed she enjoyed it.
1 year ago
That's Wouldn't get to sleep
1 year ago
I used to work with her...she's no dam Angel , never fucking will be, if her husband knew half of what she got up to while filming on location, he wouldn't have given her the time of day. All I will say is, if you where lucky enough to be her film crew, you would get to sleep until the early hours. Nuff said.
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago